Doing business among friends

Skal Europe Day: Relazione del Presidente Ballarin


Program: B2B – Forum – Protocol signature – Award – Farewell party

For the occasion, Skål Roma organized the FIRST SKÅL EUROPE DAY with the first B2B Workshop of Skål Europe Network, with an appointment system.
Prof. Mara Manente
Roberto Vitali

The Forum on the Future of European Tourism, with the speech of Prof. Mara Manente of CISET of the University of Venice and Interesting speech by Roberto Vitali on accessible tourism as new opportunity for tourism chain. Moderated the meeting Tito Livio Mongelli .

SKAL EUROPE NETWORK was born and officially launched from the signing of the protocol by all the national presidents of the geographical countries of Europe present at the event.

Official Skal Europe Network birth certificate

The president of Skål Italy Armando Ballarin with Eric Etienne of Skål UK and Florin Tancu of Skål Romania coordinated the first phase of the Skål Europe Network, confirmed also for 2020, which involved all the clubs in the ceremony of the award.

During the Skal Europe Day were announced the winners of the Skal Europe Network Award 2019. Click here for all the details.

The farewell party was held in the town of Ariccia, first with a guided tour of Palazzo Chigi by the Conservator Arch. Francesco Petrucci and later with a typical Roman dinner at the Fiaschetteria “Mastro Titta.

In 2020, the EUROPE SKÅL DAY will be held in Northern Ireland.